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Published: 13-Oct-12
Definitive Guide To Adwords Your Ace In The Hole
Time and time again, understanding the definitive guide to adwords is the key to succeeding using this method of traffic building. Right off the bat, Google reigns supreme amongst the ranks of search engines. In fact it appears to be the most preferred and most popular search engine on the web.

No wonder many people feel as if they cannot purchase anything online if they are not able to find content about it on Google.

Establishing a definitive guide to adwords goes hand in glove with understanding how it all began. Launched in 2000, Google won hands down by revolutionizing how webmasters advertised online.

You may not know this but the initial advertising model developed by the company was aimed toward big companies. When the dust settled, Google chose to provide a model that would be beneficial to all companies, big and small.

As it turns out, the Google Adwords program is a keyword targeted advertising program.

But before I jump into the details, let me say this. The first program launched was hammered in to the ground because its basic idea was to pay per impression. As the dominoes fell, it did not guarantee traffic to the advertiser. It's lack of popularity made it bite the dust.

In order to kick things into gear, Google changed its advertising model to work based on the principal of pay per click advertising. What this means is it became a keyword-targeted method.

In a nutshell, when a user types a certain keyword into the search engine, all relevant results are displayed. If you have bid high enough, and the keyword is relevant to your site, it will appear next to organic searches.

You are all but guaranteed a click if your ad copy catches the visitors attention and is relevant to what they are looking for.

It?s important to understand that in the definitive guide to adwords, pay-per-click or PPC advertising means that you are only charged when the user clicks on your ad.

Best of all, Adwords will ensure that your ad is prominently displayed at its position on the search engine page.

Check this out: The program is set to reduce the price you pay per click to one above your competitor. What this means for you and your business is that you do not need to continuously check the position of your ad. It?s done automatically for you.

Here?s something else. Not only are you able to maintain your position through pay-per-click, but Google also bases the model on a click-through rate. This way, the playing field is level and everyone's business ? large and small ? has a chance to survive.

As you might have guessed, a definitive guide to adwords keeps you from giving away the farm. As a bonus, you could begin earning money today. Really, there?s only one-way to go from here?and that?s up.

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