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Published: 13-Oct-12
How To Relieve The Pain Of A Muscle Spasm
If you want to know how to how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm then there are ways you can use which will help you. It might need some small changes to your lifestyle but the end result could be a pain free body.

Painful Areas:

You might have experienced the pain of a muscle spasm as a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle which causes you unexpected pain, you might also suffer from chronic pain as painful muscle spasms are a symptom of a broad variety of either neurological or muscular diseases.

However in both cases the painful area around the muscle feels like a tightening and can cause quite a lot of pain. It can take a while until this unpleasant muscle contraction will relax and for the pain to disappear.


There are a lot of different options you could consider if you want to know how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm. Everything from tablets, injections to hypnosis will work, it?s a matter of finding the best way for you. Here are some methods you could use in order to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm:

The first and most simple recommendation to relieve the pain is warmth, make sure you keep that area warm. A nice warm shower or bath will work, or maybe a warm towel draped around the area will definitely make things feel better.

Tiger Balm: One of the things to try is Tiger Balm, a strong , soothing cream which will increase the blood circulation in the actual area. The skin will really feel hot and the warmth will help or at least support the relieve from pain.

Knowing how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm can sometimes mean relaxing and having a nice, therapeutic massage:

Massage therapy: It could be helpful to receive a medical massage which will increase your blood circulation and maybe release the spasm.

Biofeedback: A very good method especially if you suffer from chronic muscle spasms is biofeedback. By monitoring and altering certain body functions you can learn how to control your body and your muscles in order to relax them and that way relax the muscles which cause spasms and tensions. This method won?t work immediately as you will have to learn how to do it, but it certainly is one of the best methods and one to remember if you want to know how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm.

Music is Good For The Muscles

Music therapy: As a study from pain clinic in Ohio have shown, music helps to relieve the pain of muscle spasms. Patients were exposed to music on headsets for an hour every day and have shown surprisingly good results concerning the muscle relaxation. So a good recommendation and another one to remember if you want to know how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm is to listen to any kind of relaxing music.

There are heaps of ways of dealing with and knowing how to relieve the pain of a muscle spasm, and these are just a few. Please note that this article is not a substitution for medical help. If symptoms don?t disappear then please, see a doctor or go to the hospital.

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