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Published: 13-Oct-12
How To Save On Bank Foreclosed Homes
Bank foreclosed homes could be the answer to saving on your next home or property. There are all types of foreclosed opportunities on the market: condos, townhomes, single family homes, bare lots and even commercial properties that are listed on the market a significant amount below market value.

Many people have heard about foreclosures but they aren't sure exactly what the whole process entails. Here's how it works. . .when an individual purchases a home or property, they most likely need to borrow money from a bank or some other lending institution. They then pay the bank or institution back over a longer period of time in monthly payments that include the interest that is owed on the money they have borrowed.

If for any reason at all an individual isn't able to make the monthly payment that they agreed upon, the lender has the right to take back that property. At this point, the bank or lender benefits by selling the property to someone else as quickly as possible. So, they offer it an an extremely "discounted" price and you will often see it advertised as a bank foreclosure to let you know that the price on the home is significantly below market value. For you as a buyer, bank foreclosed homes offer incredible savings opportunities if you know how to look for them. The most effective way to search for these homes is to go online. This is also very convenient since you can start looking from the comfort of your own home. In order to see these lists, you usually need to become a member for a minimal fee.

The best foreclosure websites promise a 100% free 7-day trial membership, giving you the opportunity to take a look around and see if the site offers what you are looking for. During this time, you have access to everything that existing subscribers have like being able to print out listings, photos, detailed data, etc. After that time, you will need to decide whether it is worth it to join or not. Three of these online lists (that include the 7-Day trial) are, and is the largest, showing over 1.5 million properties. After the 7-day trial, membership costs just under $10.00 per week. Listings are updated daily. is a very trusted name in the foreclosure industry. is a good place to start for beginners. It offers some top-notch information about the industry in addition to listings. If you've already been in the industry for a while, this site might lack some of the advanced propety details and search features that you are accustomed to. But all listings are accurate and updated regularly.

Remember that finding a cheap home on the bank foreclosed homes list is just the beginning. You will also need to do some additional research. Most foreclosed homes are sold as is and necessary repairs could be extensive. In that case, you may want to reduce your offer even further.

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