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Published: 13-Oct-12
Internet Marketing Terms
All industries have their own unique language, the jargon of that particular industry. Internet marketing is no different. There are many unusual terms and names in internet marketing and if you aren't familiar with what these internet marketing terms mean, it can be very confusing.

In this article I will provide you with a brief description of some of the most common internet marketing terms and what they mean. That way you will have an easier time learning the basic skills you need to make money online instead of feeling like you were just dropped off in some strange foreign land!

These are the terms you are most likely to hear marketing online. Of course I won't be able to go over all of them in this article but I will give you a place to start:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): this is simply a way to optimize your website content and articles that you write so the search engines will find them. In order to do this you find one keyword to target for each piece of content and that is what you optimize for.

2. Pay Per Click (PPC): this is a method for getting targeted traffic (people who are really interested in what you are talking about) to your website. You place an add targeting a certain group of keywords.

When someone does a search online for that keyword your ad (hopefully) will show up at the top of the page. When they click on it they will go to your site. You are only charged when someone clicks on your ad and not just when it shows up.

3. Autoresponder: this is an automated system where you can create a webform, add it to your website and when people sign up (which means they are giving you permission to send them emails) the follow up emails that you have added to the autoresponder will go out automatically.

4. Squeeze Page (sometimes called a capture page): this is a page that has only one purpose and that is to get people to optin or sign up to your email list. They either sign up or they leave. There is nothing else to do on this page and no navigation to allow them access to other pages of your site.

5. Keywords: these are the words or phrases people search for when looking for something online. For example, if I were looking for information on how to train my dog I would probably type in the keyword "how to train a dog" that is considered a long tailed keyword since it has several words.

This list is obviously not exhaustive, but hopefully I've covered some of the most common, and confusing, terms around.

When starting an internet marketing career your best bet (and believe it or not it's not something most people do) is to invest some time and possibly some money to get training. After all, learning a few internet marketing terms is really just the tip of the ice burg to making money online.

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