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Published: 13-Oct-12
Making Your Site SEO Friendly
SEO is one of the most important concepts of the internet business today. A creative and friendly SEO will appeal to your visitors and as a result they will come back again and again. Creating an effective and friendly SEO is by no means an easy task.

It can be both confusing and frustrating. A lot of people outsource their website as a result. They just do not have the time or energy to create their own website. If they knew of ways to make their SEO both user friendly as well as useful, they may have been able to create their own.

When you are being creative in your website there are several factors you need to consider. Your keywords should be the first step. You need to take careful time and consideration when creating your SEO site. Without your keywords your website will fail because there is nothing for the web crawlers to grab on to.

Also you will need to be creative. The more creative you are the higher on the search engine your site will appear. Make each page unique and different while still maintaining the importance to the site itself. Add graphics to make your SEO site more attractive to users but do not over do it. Add an image possibly with your title. Maybe even a few small graphics placed strategically throughout your site.

Also in part of being creative keep your paragraphs short but sweet. Visitors do not want to read a lot of text all they want is their information and leave. Finally in the ?be creative? aspect keep your site as short as possible. The longer the site the less chance the visitor will look completely throughro it.

Make your site user friendly. Avoid if at all possible making links inside of links for one, customers hate this. One link is all you should place in your SEO site. Remember the more user friendly your site is the more visitors you will attract. Also keep the maintenance up on your site. Make sure that you do not have any broken links and your content is up to date. Also remove pages as you need to and add more. The more often you change your site around the happier your visitors will be. I know it sounds strange to place this under the user friendly category but it entails the user friendly aspect.

Remember making your SEO creative and user friendly will attract more visitors to your site. Managing your keywords, graphics and paragraph counts are all important factors of the creation section of creating your SEO site. Also your SEO site will need to be user friendly. When your site is user friendly the more visitors you will attract.

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