If you are involved in internet marketing, chances are good that you're using or have at some point used safelists to promote your business. Here's just a brief description of how safelists work in case you haven't heard of them. And then we'll move on to the safelist submitter.
First of all, you can sign up for free. When you do so, you'll need two gmail addresses. Most safelists will only accept gmail addresses because of the bulk amounts of email you'll be getting in your inboxes. Whatever you do, do not use your primary email address when you sign up. You'll understand why as I explain further.
Many safelists allow you to sign up for free and give you credits right from the get-go. These credits equal out to the amount of the safelist's members that you can send a promotional email to. You will send out this email with a link to whatever site you want to promote and members will click on that site in order to receive credits. The hope is that as they are clicking on your site, they will also be interested in what you have to offer. In order to gain more credits, you also will have to open all the emails sent out to you from the safelist and click on the members sites. You can continue to earn credits by clicking or you can upgrade your account which gives you credits even if you don't click.
So, that's the gist of how a safelist works. There are hundreds of safelists on the internet and the more that you can promote to, the more leads/sales you will generate. That's where the safelist submitter comes in. This type of software allows you to sumit your ad to many of the safelists all at once.
It seems that submitters do come and go pretty frequently and their legitimacy is questioned often on the net. However, this one has stood the test of time and does continue to get good reviews from real people. It's called The Safelist Boys.
The Safelist Boys are a couple of Internet marketers that have done very well for themselves in the Safelist marketing industry. They operate a couple safelists and few other safelist related sites. Their angle was to try differentiate themselves by making their safelist poster which they call Safelist Boys AutoMailer more advanced and more user friendly than the other safelist submitters. This is one of the cheaper submitters at only $4.99 per month.
But there is more to it than just the number of mails sent by a submitter. You should also make sure that you increase the number of emails actually delivered. A lot of emails will end up in Junk-Mail folders and will never be read. If you check your email for words and phrases that could trigger the SPAM filters, you can dramatically increase the number of emails which are seen and read by people.
If you haven't tried safelists yet in your marketing efforts, start with those and then consider a safelist submitter later on in the game. |