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Published: 13-Oct-12
What Is PPC Marketing
Pay per click marketing is one of the most widely used forms of paying for advertising there is on the internet today. The method of charging you, the advertiser, has been most generally credited to Bill Gross. This method was first introduced into the internet world in 1998. It is also one of the most popular on the internet today. It does have several drawbacks but also several advantages. Understanding PPC can help you avoid falling into the drawbacks of PPC advertising.

The main basic idea of PPC is that people like you purchase links on search engines or on sites that employ search engines ad, such as blogs for one example. You only pay for your ad when a visitor clicks on your link. The fees that you will pay for this type of marketing usually vary considerably. When considering the cost the search engine terms that are used more frequently tend to cost more than the keywords that are less frequently used.

You may be more familiar with the more common pay for click advertising that appears with Google. What you are probably not aware of is that a lot of other search engines have a program similar to this for their commercial clients. There are generally two different ways that you can have your advertising ad appear on the search engines. The first one is known as the sponsored matched PPC advertising. In this program ads appear in the search engine pages. When a potential visitor searches for a certain keyword and your ad is related to that topic, then it most generally will pop up off to the side of the search engine.

The other form of PPC marketing is called content match. When certain people create sites that contain private content they have the ability to choose to participate in programs that will allow them to run ads on their personal pages. Most generally they are also reimbursed for advertising the pay per click site as well. This is most generally though just a small percentage of what the original advertising site owner makes. This profit can be anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on the contract terms. This is a great way for a private site owner to gain traffic to their site because visitors will most generally click on their link to check out the advertising.

If you have decided that PPC might work great for you will be able to find a variety of different companies on the search engines. You must take considerable time to research which company will best suit your PPC marketing needs.

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