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Published: 23-Apr-14
How To Make Money With Pinterest
How To Make Money With Pinterest

So you have heard about Pinterest and want to make money from it. We have to set expectations here before moving forward. The fact remains that Pinterest has a bit of an issue with doing business using their system. That is why a lot of people that used to have affiliate links on Pinterest got the surprise of their lives when the system pulled the plug. Every attempt to make money on Pinterest should be a result of guerilla warfare. Let it be known that your attempt may be working now but it would be bound to be caught soon. Now that is clear, do you still want to make money from Pinterest? If you still do, we have a surprise for you. There are ways to make money on Pinterest.

Making money on Pinterest will take a lot of creativity and skill to succeed. Sometimes you would need to think outside the box to get your way around and earn that moolah. So sit back and pay attention on what this article is about to reveal. It can make or break your career in Pinterest.

Joining contests on Pinterest. Don’t just be there… do something about being there! Joining contests on Pinterest is the best way to earn money or at least a prize. The best thing about Pinterest contests is that most of the running promotions allow everyone to win a prize no matter mundane it is. The reason for that strategy is to create some traction to fully maximize the awareness potential of a business or a product.

Search optimization using Pinterest. If you happen to have great SEO skills you can use it through another platform this time through Pinterest. SEO skills are sought after and are one of the skills that are highly prized. If you happen to know SEO, you can apply the same principles on Pinterest. You can become a paid consultant with small businesses that wants to expand their Internet marketing sorties into Pinterest.

Social media integration for better exposure. Pinterest activities can easily be exported for Facebook and Twitter followers to see. This is a great way to expand brand awareness and product visibility which can translate to better sales.

Professional photographers are welcome. Content is king in Pinterest. The better content you have the better chances you get pinned. That is why photographers and graphic artists stand to make good money with Pinterest. Pinterest is a social network that is based on graphics. With this in mind you know where this leads to. You can get hired by some small business to do their graphics work for them optimized for use on Pinterest.

Analyze this. Pinterest is a great way to get marketing intelligence. That is why you could earn a lot analyzing data for clients. Analyzing Pinterest data for clients is an amazing skill to develop in order to help business on how to fare well in the world of Internet marketing. This skill needs to be honed through hours and hours of Pinterest exposure. Sadly, there is no enough reference material for this kind of work yet. It will rely heavily on personal experience and a hit or miss strategy.

So if you want to make money with Pinterest you have to think outside the box. You need to be patient and have lots of perseverance. It will not come over night but your hard work will pay off once you have done your time and invested your effort in knowing how Pinterest work and make money out of it.

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