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Published: 07-Feb-17
Traffic from Your Blog? Ways You Can Benefit from Your Web Presence
What does a blog do for your website? For one, it can be used as a supplement to your site, providing your visitors with extra information, using a more personalized and informal approach. It can also give your website excellent exposure and is an excellent means with which to drive a high volume of traffic to your site. Here are ways how: Find a niche or specific industry to blog about. True, you might be a really entertaining writer but most of your visitors could care less what you had for dinner last Monday or what you thought about your spouse painting your bedroom green. Although a blog still functions and is treated as a web diary, remember that some topics that might excite you may not mean anything to your readers. Why not write a blog related to the industry your website belongs to? If your website sells organic fertilizers and seeds, for example, write a blog that discusses organic gardening or farming. You could also discuss the different planting methods used for organic gardening as well as the pros and cons of organic and artificial fertilizers. That way, your blog visitors will find relevance in the topics you discuss with the content found in your website. Always provide an association between your blog and your website. Never treat your blog as an end in itself. It should provide support for your website and complement its purpose. Whatever it is that your website lacks should be provided by your blog. To make sure your visitors never miss the connection, always provide a link to your website in your blog. Include your name, your e-mail address and your site URL. Traffic will find their way to your website easily. Entice your visitors to stay. The more interactive your blog is, the more visitors will be interested in it. Make use of different elements to make your blog appealing ? images, audio, even video files. Provide links to archives and use a search box to allow your visitors to look for keywords found only in your site. You can also increase visitor interest by allowing them to post comments after each of your blogs. In case someone asks for advice or recommendation, you can refer them to your website. So if someone posts a comment on your blog asking you which combination of organic fertilizer is best for lilies, direct them to your website using a link, with a short note stating, 'There is a comparative chart on that discusses the different fertilizer needs of plants. You might want to check it out using this link.' That way, you never lose the opportunity to help your visitors and still drive traffic to your website. Join blog communities. This is another great way to use your blog to drive traffic to your website. Sites such as MyBlogLog can help you gain a wider audience. All you have to do is set up your own account and provide your blog's URL address. Blog communities not only expose you to better traffic but also allow you to socialize online. You can also build relationships with other bloggers in the same industry and enjoy their valuable support. Blogs are some of the fastest growing segments in the internet and communities therein are very supportive of one another. You can take advantage of the existing traffic that's already there and simply just lead them to your website. If you need more advice, check out the tips and tricks taught by 'Blog Traffic', part of a video series produced by Learn the secrets to maximizing your blog to increase your website's exposure and receive quality traffic at the same time.

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