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Published: 07-Feb-17
Getting to the Bottom of Digg and How it Can Bring You More Traffic
The current Internet community is all about togetherness and cooperation. Gone are the days when communication online was one-sided, with one party giving the information and the other party passively listening and taking it all in. Today, with the paradigm of Web 2.0, communication online is largely a multi-way process. Anyone who has a computer, Internet connection, and membership in a group can say what they want and express themselves, whether they are talking about scientific, political, or technical topics, or even simply reviewing the latest book, movie, or television show.

There are many different websites online that facilitate such a rich and complicated system of information dissemination and exchange. For instance, Digg is a website that uses the concept of community in order to gain knowledge of what websites are out there. Instead of relying on search engines, which use software to evaluate site content, the members who sign up for Digg submit website links and news stories, which other people can rate and rank. As a news story or website rise in the rankings, they can become more popular, more people can see them and rate them, and they can be exposed to an even larger audience.

Digg, moreover, has a wide range of categories under which different websites and news stories may be placed. Such categories can include entertainment, blogs, politics, science, and technology, so that anyone who goes to the Digg website in order to find certain sites will know exactly where to look. Of course, some popular and larger search engines have a similar system of groupings, but because these groupings and classifications are based largely on the work of software, some sites may be mistakenly placed in categories to which they do not belong. This has made more people interested in the Digg system, because real people do the submitting, and these same people are obligated to put their submissions in the correct categories.

Once a site has a good number of diggs from other users in the Digg system, it can appear on Digg?s front page, and more people will see it and can link to it or browse the website. In essence, Digg is a social network: people come together to help each other find useful links, and to make useful links more popular so that more people will know about it. Some sites have become popular thanks to the Digg system, and simply because the power of the surfing and reading public shone through. As more and more people appreciate the content of a site, the Digg effect triggers more and more people to go to that site and take a look at it themselves.

If you are interested in having this Digg effect for your website, you have to do a lot of things before submitting it, or having someone submit it. You need to have useful content that is arranged in an organized and logical manner. You need to have a well-designed website that is easy to navigate and easy on the eyes. And you need to update your site regularly, preferably with more useful content, so that people will have something to come back to each time they visit your site.

These are only a few aspects of Digg that can help you market your site. For more information, check out the Digg website itself, and see how Digg can help you make your site a place for visitors to keep visiting, and people to keep promoting and Digging.

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