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Published: 07-Feb-17
Get More Site Traffic! Join the Link Exchange Program
How many times have you visited websites today? The internet is the best thing that technology has developed ever since. Through internet we can do almost everything, from online purchases, educational and medical instructions and many others. The internet houses a million of websites for every person?s needs and preferences. The webmasters are the people behind the creation of the websites and they are the one who advertise them. Through link exchange system, the sites will be promoted and will get more traffic than the usual. Link Exchange is very important; it definitely increases and adds popularity to your website. Now, how can one join in a banner and link exchange program? What are the tips to achieve a more popular site? Read on to get the few tips on how to participate in a link or banner exchange program. 1. First you need to get a link exchange partner. Choose a link exchange partner with a good Google PageRank. . Pagerank is the one that rates the website?s quality in a 10 point scale. 2. If you have chosen already a link exchange partner, sometimes they allow you to exchange banners or links for free. You should then place your link partner?s banners in your own homepage. 3. Some link partners require their banners to be placed either in the index page, top, side or even at the bottom on the other pages of your site. Like for instance, it can be placed in the page which displays About us, Services or Contact. Do not just put their banners in your main page. 4. You should notify your link exchange partner that you have already placed their banners. But make sure that the banners you have placed on your pages have a link that directs to their site. 5. Now you can choose the available pages from your link exchange partner where you want your banner to be placed. You can actually tell where you?re going to place you?re banner since your link exchange partner place a static like this. ?This could be your ad space?. Then you are ready to place your own banner in their site. 6. If in case your link exchange partner does not have any space, they can create you a default banner page depending on how many banners you need. 7. Another way to participate in a link exchange is to purchase an advertising space from your link exchange partner. Definitely, if this will be your option, your banner will be the first priority, and you can choose where you like it to be placed. 8. Now if you opt to buy an advertising space, you can be added in their index.html page. Sometimes only few space remains with your link exchange partner so grab the opportunity for these banner placements. 9. You can buy banner space from your link exchange partner for 6 months or a couple of years. Anyway you will be notified by your partner that your banner space will be expired. Now it depends on you if you still want to renew it or not. These are some of the activities happening when you want to participate in a banner or a link exchange program. It is just very easy to do. Rest assured that more visitors will get into your site. Not only do you get more traffic in your site but it will definitely create a good partnership with some webmasters. Exchange links! See the difference it will make in your very own site.

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