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Published: 07-Feb-17
Tips on Offering Email Update Options for Visitors on Your Site
Who knows when Lady Luck will come and smile your way? That day may arrive anytime, the same way how any day, any moment, a visitor on your website might feel inclined to subscribe to your email update. You can never know when that?s going to happen but it?s important to be prepared for it, don?t you think? Create an Email Update Button Yes, of course, a simple text link containing the words ?click here to subscribe to email updates? or something similar would do, but you don?t have to rely on that completely, do you? Such text links have their uses but they?re not the best choices for all situations. In your front page, an email update button would be better than a text link. Your button should be small but still noticeable. It must also be visually attractive and clearly contain the words ?subscribe to email updates? or something similar. They must match the color theme of your website. These buttons may later on be used by your affiliates as well and which they can similarly offer to visitors of their websites. Provide a Brief Description We?re still on your homepage. The email update button you?ve created may be successful in gaining the attention of your visitors but it won?t be enough to convince them to subscribe to your offer. What will tip the scales to your favor is the brief description accompanying your button. The description must outline the various benefits that they?ll receive when they subscribe to receive email updates from your website. If you don?t know what those benefits are, no need because we?re here to spell them out for you as well. CONVENIENCE ? Email updates will let them receive the information they need or have even requested for directly from their inboxes. With email updates, they don?t need to visit your website everyday to check for updates. PROMPT ARRIVAL OF INFORMATION ? With email updates, they also get to receive information in advance and certainly before other people who haven?t subscribed to your offer. This is especially important if your updates contain information regarding sales or offers made on a first-come, first-served basis. FREEBIES ? As a way of thanking your visitors for their interest in your website, you should offer some freebies in exchange for their decision to take you up on your offer. These freebies don?t have to cost you a penny. A free ebook that you?ve personally written would more than do and can even work as another marketing tool for your website. Those are the three main benefits you should include in the description for your email update button. If you can think up other benefits then include them as well. Feature Email Update Offers in Every Page of Your Website Not all visitors would come to your website through your homepage. If there is more than one way to enter a house, the same rule applies to websites. That?s why it?s highly important for you to offer your visitors to subscribe to email updates in every page of your website. End Your Articles with Email Update Offers With every article you write for your website, you should always end with a brief but attention-getting offer to subscribe to email updates. You should also offer them a link to where you?ve listed the various benefits they can receive when subscribing to email updates.

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