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Published: 07-Feb-17
Two-Way Website Traffic
It is indeed amazing to see how the internet has paved the way for a lot of things that were once impossible to reach. With this constantly advancing technology, there appears to be no boundaries, in terms of information to explore, businesses to conquer, interactions to develop and nourish, and so many other things. However, inspite of this increasingly active exchange of activities in the internet, maintaining and improving website traffic remain to be a challenging task for the website owner. Sticking to very few marketing strategies may not be enough considering also the amount of competition there is. One way to improve website traffic is through the use of various traffic exchange services. A lot of companies are offering this kind of service and, in fact, majority are offering such for free. In essence, a traffic exchange service allows a person to visit a particular website which is a member of the same service provider which, in return, causes a visit to the person?s own website. It is mutual exchange service. Thus, one visit to a member?s site causes one reciprocal visit. With the speed of every visit, technically, a person can earn for his website at least one visit for every 30 seconds. This is actually the minimum amount of time the visit should be to earn credit. The earned visit may not be good in terms of quality, meaning the visit may not be so long, but it still offers a good potential for loyal and long-term website traffic. There is also another type of traffic exchange service, which directly links to other websites which can return visitors as soon as one opens his browser. Services like this offer to their clients a particular URL which is set as the browser?s startpage that leads to members? websites. Some service providers even offer a leverage system that gives a certain credit percentage for every referral down to the fifth level. In addition to these, there are also banner exchange services available which lead to a visit every time two banners are opened. Similarly, there are service providers who also inflate the credit system through a referral system. In general, down to the third level, the website owner can earn a credit percentage. There are also more generous services available. For instance, several of the owner?s websites may be listed in various promotional pages. Some providers allow listing down all the websites in just one page or banner and this can be done in many others. Not only are most of these services offered for free, they usually have very good referral system. For example, if one website owner is able to refer another one to become a member, points leading to more visits are earned automatically based on the referred member?s activities. No limits in visits to members? sites and banners are usually imposed. Thus, this is indeed a good tool to increase website traffic as only internet speed and patience of the website owner are potential hindrances to achieving high traffic. There are many options available, offering various packages and conditions. Although there is not much risk involved since these are usually offered for free, enough time must still be devoted in choosing the best one. The best traffic exchange service remains to be the one which brings back more reciprocal visits with lesser time or effort exerted in making the investment visits.

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