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Published: 07-Feb-17
Sounds, Action! How Podcasting Can Drive Traffic to Your Site
If you have been on the Internet long enough to know its quirks, highways and byways, and its general richness of diversity, then you will also know that there are many ways for people to express themselves online. People can express themselves through the written word, and they can blog about their day in online diaries that have long since become fodder for speculation on the future of the Internet and its effects on human interaction. People can also express themselves through videos, which they can shoot offline, and which they can post in online free video posting sites. Although both these methods are highly innovative and allow for even more innovation in the future, they can also be tiring to carry out, not to mention look at. Blogging can be a joy for writers and diary keepers, but blogging is hard to read through for a long while if you have to spend hours and hours online if only to go through different articles. Videos can be exciting to watch, but they can be a pain to download: not all Internet users have a fast Internet connection, and waiting for videos to finish downloading can be extremely exasperating for those who still use the slow but basic and cheap dial up. There is still one more method to express oneself online, and that is through podcasting. In a podcast, you operate like a radio disc jockey and work with only sounds. Podcasting is growing extremely popular, especially with Internet users who are always on the go. This is because a podcast can be carried everywhere, stored on a personal mobile and audio device, and listened to while on the train, on the way home, at one?s workplace, and many other places. The same thing cannot be said about videos and text blog entries, which require one?s eyes and full attention. Podcasting, therefore, can widen the reach of a company?s market, making the company name come up, through audio, and at its fullest potential, for twenty-four hours a day! Podcasts can come in many different forms. It can be a talk show, with an expert being interviewed about a certain topic. It can be a music show, with a real disc jockey introducing new music to avid listeners of a certain artist or of a certain genre. It can be a show giving tips on how to do certain things, such as how to cook the perfect stew, how to write a novel without breaking a sweat, and even how to create an exciting podcast! A podcast can allow your customers to take you on the road with them, to wake them up, get them through their day, and even put them to sleep! Podcasting is easy to carry out with the proper equipment: you need a good microphone, some recording equipment, and some converting equipment that will make your podcasts available in different audio formats. This is important for adapting the podcast to fit the needs of different users who might have varying operating systems. These are only a few aspects of podcasting that can drive traffic to your site. During your podcast, mention your company URL and your products, but be sure to always cater to the needs of your market. Make your podcast useful, and make sure that your customers will learn more from them as they listen to the podcast. Make sure that your podcasts are also short, so that they will not be difficult to download. With prudent use of your podcasting, you can have a great website that people will go to again and again in order to get more podcasts.

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