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Published: 07-Feb-17
The Road to Conversion: How You Can Drive Traffic That Converts
If your website is one of those that have been enjoying consistently immense traffic, don?t attribute it to luck. Luck has absolutely nothing to do with what hard work, good marketing and great timing produced. Now, the question: does this huge traffic of yours convert? Because if they don?t or do so poorly, you might be wasting an incredibly big opportunity that most other website owners only dream about. A reason for conversion There are two major reasons why traffic converts and it will do you well if you try to understand how these will fit in your set-up. First, visitors to your website were driven there because they felt the compulsion to participate in an interactive activity or complete a particular transaction. These are the type of traffic who were driven to your website because they found your link or ad interesting. They also have the intention of converting their presence. The second reason that traffic converts is that visitors to your website are fully satisfied with what they find. Whetting their appetites can increase their expectations (and if you're really good at it, their needs). If your website delivers, your traffic converts. Converting that traffic Now that you know why some traffic converts and others don?t, you can begin taking steps to ensure that you increase the likelihood that visitors to your site will complete the cycle of transaction. Here are ways how: Identify your market. You'll need to know which traffic to target in order to effectively persuade them to convert. If your market is composed of babyboomers, for example, no amount of cajoling, bribing, even begging will make traffic composed of 12- to15-year-olds convert. If you can identify your ideal traffic, you will be better equipped to understand what they want and what they're willing to do to get it. Take a look at the keywords they used and how they arrived at your site. Identify your site's strong points. If you want to know how to drive traffic that converts to your site, find out first what brings traffic in the first place. Is it textual content? Images? Your lively forums? Your useful advice? Is it your unbiased product and service reviews? The more you understand what makes your website appealing, the better you'll be able to design ads and links that can convert your traffic. Move in relevant circles. Why sell crabs to someone who wants chicken? Take a good look at your goals and determine how you can use your website to fulfill them. Do you want increased membership? Do you want people to participate in your surveys? Do you want them to join your affiliate program? Do you want them to stick around and click on your links? Once you've determined what your exact wants are, look for sites and internet communities that have the same interests. If you want to find traffic that is interested in your fishing articles, for example, find them in sites, forums, boards and blogs that promote angling. Emphasize the benefits. If you want to drive traffic to your site that converts, always keep your eye out for the bottomline. At the end of the day, your visitors really want to know what's in it for them. Sure, they'll throw in the occasional charity by giving you a boost once in a while but they won't want to do this for long. Whatever you do in relation to your website or business, always design your plans and promotions in such a way as to underscore their relevance and advantages. The more visitors see the usefulness of your website, the more you'll succeed at driving traffic that converts. That way, everybody wins.

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