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Published: 07-Feb-17
Stumble Upon: A Good Tool to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Stumble Upon is another social networking website that's making waves in the internet today. It is a site that holds a library of great websites, photos, videos, and content as contributed by its members. It is an avenue wherein members can share everything with other people and their network of friends. Once you sign up, you get to enjoy the benefits Stumble Upon has to offer. To use Stumple Upon to generate traffic to your website, just follow these tips: 1. Never stumble upon your own items and content. Don't ever do this. This is not allowed as per Stumble Upon's rules. You can only contribute photos, videos, and content that you honestly stumbled upon. If you put your own content on Stumble Upon, you are only promoting your own interest that defies the whole concept of the site. You need to put up something that's interesting and is worth checking out by others. If you promote your own site, you could be bias. You won't get traffic to your site through Stumble Upon if you're banned. 2. Stumbling opt-in pages and sale pages are not advisable. Not that doing this is not allowed. It's just that the community doesn't like these pages at all. And if you get a negative image and negative feedbacks, the more people won't be interested in you and your stumbles. It would be hard for you to promote your site and gain traffic if you do this. 3. Add friends. Stumble Upon is a social networking site. It means that you can add a good number of contacts and friends. If you can do it your way, try to add high-ranking Stumble Upon users. The more friends you have, the better performance your stumbles are going to be. And you can certainly transform that into traffic to your site. 4. Use the correct topics and the proper tags. Your stumbles can certainly be categorized into something. As for tags, you can use four at a time. You have to properly use the category and tag to go with your stumble. Tags are used for searches. Categories allow your stumble to be targeted. So if you want good performance for your stumbles, and eventually a good traffic to your site, use these things accordingly. 5. Add comments and reviews Comments and reviews would do so much to your own rankings. And if you become popular in Stumble Upon enough, it would be easier for you to promote your own site and generate substantial traffic to it. It is all a matter of building a good reputation and use it to your site's advantage. 6. Exchange stumbles If you exchange stumbles with one another, yours will get enough popularity to make it to the top. And this is exactly what you need so that you would eventually generate traffic to your site. 7. Sponsor your site. If you have $20 to spare, you can certainly buy Stumble Upon sponsorship. And as a sponsor, your website will be shown right Stumble Upon's home page. Other members can sponsor you, if you are kind of short in cash. Just follow these seven tips and you should be able to generate traffic to your site through Stumble Upon. Try them all today!

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