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Published: 07-Feb-17
Tips for Getting People to Subscribe to Your Well-Designed RSS Feeds
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication is an online format that updates users about the latest content from websites they?ve subscribed to. The more RSS subscriptions you get, the greater chances you?ll have to generate traffic for your website. Tips for Getting People to Subscribe to Your RSS Feeds Tip #1 Always display the RSS subscription button prominently on your website. Even better, try displaying the button every time you post new content, together with an invitation to subscribe to it. Tip #2 Publish works once in a while featuring the obvious benefits of subscribing to your RSS. Be brief but factual. You want to convince them to subscribe to your RSS without deceiving them. Tip #3 Create new and personalized benefits for subscribing to your RSS. Offer something for free. If you have infoproducts, you can offer those at no cost to yourself. If you are selling products and services, consider offering discounts for people who subscribe to your RSS. Tips for Designing Your RSS Feeds Tip #1 Use targeted keywords and phrases. RSS feeds are just like any other content: they can be indexed better with the help of well-chosen keywords and phrases. People are more likely to find your RSS feeds if you?ve included those keywords in your titles and headers. Tip #2 When subscribing RSS feeds to listings, you?ll usually be required to provide descriptions for your content. Besides including the targeted keywords and key phrases in your description, you should also work on making it very interesting and convincing. Tip #3 Use GUID with your RSS feeds. GUID stands for globally unique identifier. It helps readers find RSS feeds with the latest updates in a given category. Without GUID, the ranking of RSS feeds may combine old and new RSS feeds together. Every post you make uses a different GUID, further improving search engine indexing. Tip #4 Get a date! Well, not romantically, but rather, include a date every time you create a new RSS feed for your website. Dates are certainly by used search engine spiders for indexing. Users who utilize search engine options occasionally opt for entries to be arranged according to the latest updates, allowing for your RSS feeds to be displayed on the front page. Tip #5 RSS feeds must not be completely consisting of text. It must also include outbound links and images to make them more visually appealing. It will also make your RSS feeds look more professional, helping to distinguish them from the rest. Tip #6 Besides hosting your own RSS feeds, browse the Internet for other RSS hosting providers to reach as much of your target market. Tip #7 Never make the mistake of copying and pasting content of other websites for your RSS feeds. Your readers are spending precious time reviewing your RSS feeds ? the least you can do for them is to customize your content. Tip #8 Offer RSS feeds in other languages if you are catering to a multilingual market. It will be more difficult than usual, but it can help you carve a niche for yourself. Tip #9 Finally, establish an affiliate system to help you generate more RSS subscriptions and consequently, traffic, for your website. To get more tips about using RSS feeds to generate traffic for your website, visit and check out How to Send Traffic to Your Sites through RSS.

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