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Published: 07-Feb-17
The Traffic-Generating Power of the ?Bookmark This Site? Link
Adding a ?bookmark this site? link to the pages of your website may seem so simple, but you won?t believe the traffic it could generate once people decide that your website is worth bookmarking indeed. What?s Social Bookmarking All About? Social bookmarking is a system in which people who pass by your website bookmark it using the services of websites like Digg,, and StumbleUpon, to recommend your website to other people. The more people who bookmark your website, the more traffic they could generate. 4 Benefits that a ?Bookmark This Site? Link Can Give You Page or Search Engine Ranking ? Search engine spiders don?t just tally people who visit you. They also take notice of the number of people bookmarking your website and the more people who bookmark your website, the higher your search engine ranking could get. One-Way Links ? Every time you get socially bookmarked, your website receives a one-way or inbound link. You don?t have to link to anybody in exchange because people are creating those links out of their own free will. Improved Credibility ? Once your website starts popping up in social bookmark lists more and more, people will start getting curious about you. Soon, people will start getting curious and visit your website. Afterwards, you?ll gradually develop a reputation as guru or niche expert for yourself. Expanded Network ? Social bookmarking doesn?t just expand your customer base. It also increases the number of business contacts you have. Getting socially bookmarked places the attention solely on you and during your fifteen minutes of fame, you get to meet future suppliers, affiliates, joint venture partners, and angel investors. Tips on How to Get People Click Your ?Bookmark This Site? Link Tip #1 Strive to be the first. Old news is of no interest to most readers. If news has wings in the real world, in the Internet, those wings have supersonic speed so it?s very difficult to be the first to post new information on any category. That?s why you have to work on building your ?inside sources?. It?s going to take a lot of time and effort but when you do get to post first, you can certainly expect people to bookmark your website like crazy. Tip #2 Be original. So you don?t have the chance to announce the latest dot-com-bubble tragedy. That?s okay. There?s still another way to generate traffic from such news. Take a look at the recent articles that have cropped up about it. Now, think of an angle or perspective that hasn?t been discussed yet. If you have an idea, go for it, and people will once again click on your ?bookmark this site? link. Tip #3 Don?t be shy when creating your titles. Write them with flair: tease, seduce, inveigle, do whatever you want to make sure that the titles grab your reader?s attention and never lets go after that. Tip #4 Be aggressive. Don?t write your article like it?s an obituary. Use powerful words that have substantial impact on the mind. Make every sentence informative and thought-provoking. Each word must contribute to convincing your reader to bookmark your website. Tip #5 Last but not the least, end your work with a direct invitation to bookmark your website. Don?t be shy to ask them to bookmark your website. If you know you?ve done a good job then there?s nothing wrong for asking for a little sign of approval, is there? All you?re asking for is just one tiny click. Your readers surely won?t mind.

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