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Published: 07-Feb-17
Ezine Marketing: How It Drives Traffic to Your Website
To earn your profits in an online business, you have to begin with creating you own mailing list. One of the best ways to do this is to start your ezine marketing to market your products and to drive traffic to your website in a lot of ways. An ezine, also known as electronic magazine, can sometimes be compared to the traditional magazine or newsletter, except that it is delivered through e-mail. Most ezines you could use are free. They are normally published weekly, however, some of them can be published bi-monthly, monthly, and even daily. Since ezines are extensively circulated, lots of people read them. To get more hits in your website, you might want to place your ads on popular ezines.

Three categories of ezines in ezine marketing

1. Classified ads. These are cheap ads that allow you to get a maximum of three lines at the bottom of an ezine. Although you can save money from them, they also get the least number of responses. Thus you need to place these ads only in eznes with huge subscirpitions.

2. Sponsor ads. These ads are more expensive than classified ads. Consequently, you can expect more responses and have the option of putting them on the bottom or the middle of an ezine issue.

3. Solo ad. Among the three, these type of ads are the most expensive and the most number of responses you may receive. They are exclusively sent to everyone in your mailing list, without any attached article that may usually divert your target audience. For every solo ad you send, you can expect a response of 10%.

How to make use of ezine marketing

Posting ads on ezines is really simple. The whole process is can simply be done in a matter of minutes, but also depends on the number of ads you post. First of all, you may subscribe to a number of ezines so you may have a greater chance of getting more responses. More responses means more profits. Here are some helpful tips on how to make the most out of ezine marketing:

? Keep your messages short and direct to the point. Too much content might distract or bore your subscribers.

? Keep your readers interested by giving them information that are useful to them

? Offer special gifts to your subscribers every now and then to keep them from opening and reading your messages.

? Start your messages with the product or services you are selling to them.

? Your subscribers may not only be subscribing your newsletters, they also receive newsletter from other online businesses. To make your newsletters stand out, create catchy headlines and always introduce immediately the products or services you are offering.

? Always inform your members of your mailing list as to what to expect on your next ezine issue. Know their demands and you would find out that there will be more click on the links if these links contain their usual needs.

Selling ads through ezine marketing

Although, the sole purpose of posting ads to an ezine is to increase your number of responses in your mailing list, another benefit you could get is through selling ads. You need to learn how to acquire people in placing their ads in each issue of your ezine. With the increase in the number of people who are willing to post their ads in you ezine, the more profits you gain.

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